Being a perfect Mum is impossible.....
So who loves this movie?? Because I do. Because it is so relevant to Mums in today's society. So many of us (un-intentionally) judge what another parent does. Whether that be controlled crying, smacking, vaccinations, no matter what it is. As it is said in this movie, it is impossible to be a perfect mom. We make mistakes, we yell, we have days when we want to crawl into ball and hibernate. But at the end of the day, as long as our kids are happy and healthy and looked after, nothing else matters.
It's time to stop shaming other Mums for things that they may do differently to you. It's time for Mums to stop worrying about everything being perfect and just parent your kids in the wy that works for you and your family. Don't be afraid to say no when things get too much. Don't be afraid to take time for yourself <3 But most importantly, know that all your kids really need is to be happy, healthy and loved <3
It's time to stop shaming other Mums for things that they may do differently to you. It's time for Mums to stop worrying about everything being perfect and just parent your kids in the wy that works for you and your family. Don't be afraid to say no when things get too much. Don't be afraid to take time for yourself <3 But most importantly, know that all your kids really need is to be happy, healthy and loved <3
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